This group said they liked the music, representation of memory, the story line, camera shot variety and sound effects. They gave no criticisms.
This group said the editing and camera shots were amazing, there was a good plot, the music was good and they liked the black and white effect. The criticisms they gave were 'the sound was a bit random' and the credits were too fast.
This group said the flash from black and white tattoo to when he sees it in reality was good. They also liked the music and suspense. However they felt the credits were to fast.
They felt the editing and shot were very good as well as music and acting being realistic. they said 'The flashback scene when Danny is killed is very good', they also liked the story line. They gave no criticisms.
After reading these comments we have a wider knowledge of what we need to do to improve. we will alter the credits as we had planned. we also add more sound to increase suspense.
Danny Chiverton, Jonny Hucker