Our opening has elements of film noir. This is because the lead role is a victim in a violent attack, and suffers from memory loss and flashbacks. In the genre of film noir, the conventions are similar. Like film noir, our film is set in an urban space, with a gritty feel. We also have included a tragic event - the death of the lead character's best friend - which is another element of film noir. Furthermore, there are aspects of the surreal, for example the flashbacks which the main character experiences. Additionaly, the main character is alienated, as he is on his own after his friend has been killed and he is becoming a suspect.
Specific films which have inspired us re Memento and Zodiac. These are also psychological thrillers, and the aspects of memory loss in Memento and the strive to find a criminal in Zodiac have inspired us to incorporate these elements into our opening. However we feel we have created an original opening with some influence, but overall we have come up with a completey new idea.
Jonny Hucker
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