Yesterday we went out to film the attack scene of our thriller. We used Cineworld and a block of flats as our locations. Our aim was to clearly identify the distinctive tattoo on the killer's hand, as well as the appearance of the victim, Ed. We plan to use our footage as the protagonist's memory of the event.
The filming session went well, as we captured a wide range of different shots. The idea is to edit the attack to show hints of it to the viewer. By doing this it will suggest that the memory is faded. Additionally, a characteristic of thrillers is that little of a murder or assault is shown, and this is something we wish to adhere to.
The lighting for the filming was the natural daylight, to make sure there is clarity to our footage. However, we plan to apply a black & white effect to the footage in post production to set it aside as a flashback. We may also add a dark finish to the film to give a grittier feel, as the attack is a grim event.
There will be limited dialogue in this scene. This is because it is representing Micheal's memory, and as he suffers from amnesia, he is unlikely to remember exact conversations.
One of the aims of this scene was to not allow the viewer to see the attacker. We achieved this by having him dressed in black, with a hood covering his face. We also had shots of him following Ed and Micheal, and by having his back to the camera, it suggested the killer was looming over the two friends. By using close ups, we allowed the viewer to distinguish the identity of Ed the victim. Further still, close ups were also used on the distinctive tattoo on the murderer's hand, to clearly show that Micheal could remember it, and also as it proves significant in the next scene. The design of the tattoo is very similar to the signature of the killer in the thriller Zodiac. As Zodiac was one of our inspiration pieces, we are using the same design to pay homage to it (see above).
Jonny Hucker, James Seymour, Danny Chiverton
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