Thursday 4 February 2010

Lighting and effects

Our scenes will involve variations of lighting. During the police interview scene, the lighting will be dark. This will reflect the mood of the scene, which is the grim discussion about the murder of Ed, Michael's best friend. This sets the tone of the opening, ensuring the viewer is aware that the production is a thriller.

The flashback sequences we will use natural lighting, outside the Cineworld complex in Cambridge. The added effect to set aside the flashback from reality will be the use of black and white colouring. Not only will this ensure the viewer is aware this is a different from the interview scene, but also adds darkness and a grim feel to the scene as it is recalling the murder of Ed.

Our final scene at the train station will be filmed at the Cambridge train station. We will use the natural lighting to provide an everyday feel. By filming this scene in the daytime, will contrast the dark emotions that Michael feels after being told he is a suspect for his friends murder. This goes further to highlight the fact that he is on his own in his depressed thoughts, as the real world is not shown as dark and mysterious.

This clip from Memento shows the effectiveness of using black and white to create a dark theme for the protagonist, aswell as a flashback.

Jonny Hucker

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