Saturday, 23 January 2010

Analysis of a thriller

In this example of a thriller opening, we see the use of the 4 micro elements that create mood and tone of a typical thriller.
we see this through mis en scene, that suggest minority report is set in the future, this is due to technology that doesn't exist today. This is typical of a thriller, and typical of a Steven Spielberg film. Thrillers are usually dark and the opening has a significant impact to set up the rest of the film. This is done well here where questions aren't answered, this is something we are keen to replicate as it's a formula that works with thrillers and keeps audience's guessing and intrigued.
The editing is really inspiring as it differentiates present and future, something we want to do with our thriller, differentiate past and present.They do this by using black and white, and distorted images that aren't clear. Theirs quick shots which add tension.This is very typical of a thriller as i mentioned it adds tension and leaves the audience guessing.
Theirs great use of sound in this clip which emphasis, different times for instance, there's quite trippy and distorted sounds to show the future. this compliments the editing to create the confusion and tension in the clip. we have a distinction from the fissions and the office of the f.b.i. This is a trait of a thriller to use sound to set the location and using sound to create suspense and tension. we hope to create this when editing our thriller sequence.
When looking at cinematography in this clip there's clear use of close up's to give away information that is key, for instance the knife, this tells he audience theres going to be a murder. We hope to do this in our thriller. There's medium shots to show key characters and show more location.
When studying this clip we see other key features that make a thriller, for instince the setting of the a future law and enforcement center. This is very typical of thriller, using police e.t.c They also involve murder and action, this is very typical of a thriller, and something we want to use in our thriller. Something that is also key in a thriller is a male lead on the hunt for the trouth, in this clip we distinguish this as tom cruise and Steven Spielberg makes it clear that he is the character we identify with.

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